Articles on: Travel Tracking

Using Esplorio on a cruise ship

Sailing the world with Esplorio

Exciting news that you're planning to take a ship out to sea!

Here are some tips to get the most of Esplorio when you're out at sea:

Remember, Esplorio will use your phone's GPS to track your route at sea. However it can only do this if it has reception.
As ships often have a lot of metal, they can act as Faraday cages which block radio signals.
If you go inside, Esplorio might lose your GPS signal. To regain it, pop outside (or near a large window) and open Esplorio or your Maps app. It might take longer then when on land, but within a minute or so it should be able to get a lock on your location. Whenever Esplorio gets a lock on a location it will add points to the map.

Updated on: 03/07/2019

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